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Drainage Brisbane – Drainage Sunshine Coast

Drainage Brisbane – Drainage Sunshine Coast – Looking for a landscape drainage solution in Brisbane or the Sunshine Coast? Stormwater / flooding issues, overland flow or sodden areas? Instant Greenscene landscaping offer a range of landscape drainage and stormwater solutions.

These landscape drainage solutions may include site profiling (shaping of the land), directing overland flow away from problem areas as well as a range plumbing solutions. Plumbing solutions include sub surface stormwater drainage systems designed to catch overland flow via stormwater pits and channels as well as systems designed to reduce residual ground water.

Queensland’s diverse weather conditions, heavy rainfall, flash flooding and tropical storms can create major problems for home owners and businesses alike. It is so important to ensure you have the correct landscape drainage systems in place when designing and implementing structural and soft landscaping.

As Brisbane Landscapers, we highly recommend landscape drainage solutions be implemented in conjunction with your initial landscape works. We do however understand this is not always possible and rest assured that options exist to resolve or improve existing drainage issues. Our expert advice will provide options to design, eliminate or improve your landscape drainage issues. Our team of Brisbane landscapers have extensive knowledge and experience in drainage solutions.

Drainage solutions | Stormwater solutions – Onsite Consultations

Instant Greenscene offer onsite consultations that are tailored specific to your site requirements. This may focus on a range of issues or solely on landscape drainage.  Book an onsite consultation and a qualified landscape expert will visit your site and carry out a thorough evaluation, offer advice for DIY if required, or discuss options and pricing indications for professional landscape / drainage installations. Dependent on advice and pricing indications, you may choose to proceed to formal pricing. We would then compile a quotation for Instant Greenscene to carry out the works. Consultation fees are discounted from quoted works. (minimum works apply) Instant Greenscene landscaping offer a complete range of landscape and landscape drainage solutions.

Drainage Brisbane – Drainage Sunshine Coast – our Solutions

During an initial landscape drainage site consultation we will look at landscape drainage issues three ways. Firstly landscape levels, directing overland flow away from problem areas via landscape profiling. Secondly by moving surface water via underground storm water and finally looking at solutions for sub surface or residual water.

Landscape Drainage Solutions

Landscape drainage is directing overland flow or stormwater by shaping or profiling of the landscape as to fall or direct storm water or flood waters away from the problem area. Commonly, this can be done with general landscape profiling, shaping a swale or spoon drain or by a shaped river bed, doubling as an aesthetic dry river bed in drier times. As landscapers we can, in most cases, design a solution that does not detract from the aesthetics of the landscapes. These solutions are most commonly used for dealing with vast quantities of storm water we commonly experience in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.

Surface Drainage- Stormwater Pits

Stormwater drainage pits are ideal for dealing with moderate storm water run off. These pits are available in a range of sizes and are used in conjunction with suitable storm water connection. In addition to this channel drains are also available. In most cases, the storm water pits and channels should never be connected to a properties existing stormwater system, which in moderate to heavy rain events are generally already at or beyond the systems capabilities.

Aggregate slotted Drain – Agg Drainage

Slotted aggregate drains AKA Agg drainage systems are ideal for collecting residual water below ground. These, providing installed correctly, can reduce sodden area in lawns. Agg drainage systems are also commonly used behind retaining wall to remove water build up and reduce pressure on retaining walls


Another subsurface option is Capiphon™. This product  has been designed to use capillary forces and syphonic action to drain water from soils far more effectively than simply relying on gravity.

Capiphon™ is a drainage material made from a special formulation of PVC that remains flexible and is long lasting.

Capiphon™ uses capillary action and is therefore in dynamic equilibrium with the moisture in the soil. Water moves into the belt as soon as the soil reaches saturation, much earlier than when relying on gravity alone. Then syphonic action pulls the water from the soil. As a result, Capiphon™ removes 3-4 times more water than conventional drainage.

Instant Greenscene Landscaping – Areas of service

Instant Greenscene Landscaping Services Brisbane , Brisbane Northside and the Sunshine Coast.

Contact us now to book a landscape drainage site consultation.  Our Specialist landscaping team service Brisbane north to the Sunshine Coast and offer a complete range of landscaping services in addition to landscape drainage. These include pavingretaining wallslandscape drainagegarden lighting,  garden designirrigationWater featuresDeckingscreens, timber structures and fences.  See our before and after landscape transformations